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Tim Knowles:“London E3 5QZ - 20133 Milano”
03/04/10 – 13/05/2010
Il caso gioca un ruolo fondamentale nel lavoro di Tim Knowles, che e generato da apparati, meccanismi o sistemi, la cui produzione e fuori dal controllo dell’artista.
Gran parte del lavoro mira a svelare il movimento di oggetti nascosti, un pacco da viaggio attraverso il sistema postale come ad esempio l’opera, la sola esposta come ormai segno distintivo del della SIX, in mostra dal 3 aprile quale site specific realizzato dall’artista per la galleria:
una sfera, nella quale e inserita una cartuccia di inchiostro, sigillata all’interno di una scatola in plexiglass, alla base un foglio di carta, spedita all’interno di un pacco postale, dove ogni inconsapevole passaggio di mano lascia un segno che andra a comporre l’opera.
Come meglio spiegare allora il lavoro di quest’opera se non riportando il rapporto “epistolare” avvenuto via mail tra Tim Knowles e il gallerista, Sebastiano Dell’Arte:
10/03/2010 4:18:56 pm
Hi Sebastiano The Postal work is being fabricated at the moment and should be done by the end of the week- so I should be able to get that sent off to you early next week.
All the best
19/03/2010 3:15:42 pm
Dear Sebastiano,
I have just collected the Postal work from the fabricators, I have some work to do it and the protective outer box to make.
So I will dispatch it on Monday and it should be with you on Tuesday.
I don’t like to send the postal works over the weekend anyway as they end up sitting in postal depot with the ink making a big blot and running out.
I’ll send you tracking details once dispatched.
23/03/2010 19:33 pm
Ok Tim, the Postal Work arrived in perfect condition, the drawing is fantastic. Thank you very much



Tim Knowles:“London E3 5QZ - 20133 Milano”


Case plays a fundamental role in Tim Knowles' work, which is generated by devices, mechanisms or systems whose production is beyond the artist's control.

Much of the work aims to unveil the movement of hidden objects, a travel parcel through the postal system such as the work, the only one on display since April 3 as a site-specific work created by the artist for the gallery:

a sphere, in which is inserted an ink cartridge, sealed inside a plexiglass box, at the base a sheet of paper, sent inside a postal package, where each unconscious change of hand leaves a mark that will compose the work.

How better to explain the work of this work than by reporting the "epistolary" relationship between Tim Knowles and the gallery owner, Sebastiano Dell'Arte:

10/03/2010 4:18:56 pm

Hi Sebastiano The Postal work is being fabricated at the moment and should be done by the end of the week- so I should be able to get that sent off to you early next week.

All the best


19/03/2010 3:15:42 pm

Dear Sebastian,

I have just collected the Postal work from the fabricators, I have some work to do it and the protective outer box to make.

So I will dispatch it on Monday and it should be with you on Tuesday.

I don't like to send the postal works over the weekend anyway as they end up sitting in postal depot with the ink making a big blot and running out.

I'll send you tracking details once dispatched.



23/03/2010 19:33 pm

Okay Tim, the Postal Work arrived in perfect condition, the drawing is fantastic.  Thank you very much



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