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MARCO BONGIORNI: “Attempts for a utopian fixity”

Galleria SIX is pleased to present “Attempts for a utopian  fixity”, a project by Marco Bongiorni.

For the  rst time in its exhibition schedule, the gallery decides to turn its attention to an artist whose research explores the functioning system of the archaic language of drawing, in order to test and undermine its internal dynamics, in a constant translation that aims to achieve a shift in the very goal of this practice. For Attempts for a utopian  xity, Bongiorni presents a number of unpublished works, the result of the last year of his research.

Back in the 60’s Alfred L. Yarbus demonstrated the micro-movements the eye makes during visual exploration. Starting from these experiments carried on by Yarbus and from some concepts expressed by Semir Zeki, father of Neuroaesthetics, according to which “instability” is an intrinsic characteristic of our perceptual system, the artist produces a double sculptural work, realized with formal and material references gathered from personal belongings strati ed in time, with the aim of activating a display to be used as a probe with which to grasp the fragile resonances that impregnate the cognitive  ow of the observer.

It is an escape from  xity taken with a medium that by its very nature is immobile instead.

Attempts for a utopian  xity is a project designed to rethink work as an activator of possible paths of experience, different conceptual diagrams and cognitive ways free from constant and preordained structures. It is an attitude to- wards a direct act on the constituent and creating elements of concept. Or, perhaps, more simply, an attempt to resist against the totalitarianism of calculating reason in favor of the most elusive side mechanisms of our thinking.

The exhibition gets its ful llment in the double drawing exhibited, made with a bic pen on the pages of an old catalog of Oriental ceramics. The drawing acts as a linguistic counterpoint if compared to sculpture, developing a subtle dia- logue between the narrative intent of shapes and the recognition of their own formative process.


Marco Bongiorni (1981) works and lives in Milan, Italy


solo shows

-“Drawing by two”_GallerIA Marie Laure Fleisch_curated by Ludovico Pratesi_Rome_Italy_2011

-“La ripetizione, qualora sia possibile, rende felici”_The Gallery Apart_curated by Andrea Bruciati_Rome_Italy_2011 -“Drawing”_Galleria Artra_Milan_Italy_2008

-“Cave Canem”_Spazio Synphonia_text by Martina Cavallarin, Claudio Olivieri, Pierluigi Casolari_Milan_Italy_2005


selected group shows

-“WALLPAPERism”_Motel Campo_curated by Nick Oberthaler_Geneve_Switzerland_2011

-“Difetto come indizio del desiderio”_NeonCampobase_curate by Andrea Bruciati_Bologna_Italy_2011

-“Il ramo d’oro”_Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine_curated by Andrea Bruciati, Eva Cumuzzi_Udine_Italy_2011 -“There is no place like home”_Via Col di Lana_Anna C. Bleuler, Francesca Chiacchio, Sara Errico_Milan_Italy_2010 -“For Exemple, Esempi di pittura nell’arte contemporanea”_Bonellilab_Canneto Sull’oglio_Italy_2010

-“We Can Be Heroes, Just Foro One Day”_Gallery 1000eventi_curated by Andrea Bruciati_Milan_Italy_2009

-“10° Premio Cairo”_Palazzo della Permanente_curated by Marco Pierini_Milano_Italy_2009

-“Appetite For Distruction”_Museo Nazionale di Villa Guinigi_curate by Alessandro Romanini_Lucca_Italy_2009 -“L’immagine Sottile”_Galleria Comunale D’arte Contemporanea_curated by Andrea Bruciati_Monfalcone_ Italy_2009 

-“Who Use The Space?”_Isola Art Center_curated by Marco Scotini_Isola Art Center_Milan_Italy_2005

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